Pre-Travel Jitters

Well, I am officially 5 days away from my big Southeast Asia adventure and I'm fricken stoked, to say the least!! But like most (I hope I'm not the only one) I'm getting some pre-travel nerves. I'm currently at the stage where it just doesn't quite feel real yet. I feel like I'll be back to my serving job all summer, waiting tables and constantly spending my hard earned savings on new clothes. Realistically I'll still be spending all my hard earned savings, but this time on food, accommodation, and transportation from one piece of paradise to another. I feel like I've probably over packed things, and under packed other things, which will probably end up being the most important things, knowing my luck. I'm just trying to look past the butterflies in my stomach and get ready to embark on my second big adventure (first being a 2-month backpacking trip with my BFF). I've read countless other blogs about what to expect, and little tips about taki...